Course Description

Join molecular biologist Douglas Axe as he investigates evidence for intelligent design in molecular biology. In 40 short video lectures, Axe explores the complex world of the cell, the holes in evolutionary theory, and how those holes are best answered by intelligent design. Introducing the student to concepts discussed in his book, Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed, Axe demonstrates the innate human ability to discern between what is designed and what is accidental, and proposes that our earliest intuitions about the nature of the world might be correct. Each video lecture is accompanied by a short quiz, and a special digital certificate of completion is offered for those who finish the course.

Important Information: You will have 365 days from enrolling in the course to complete it. After 365 days, your course access will expire. Also, if you have trouble in creating a new user account, please turn off your ad or pop-up blockers. Sometimes those features interfere with the registration process.


    1. Course Outline

    2. Lecture 1: The Importance of Proteins for Life

    3. Quiz 1

    4. Lecture 2: How Proteins Work

    5. Quiz 2

    6. Lecture 3: Protein Structures Form from Chains that Fold Up

    7. Quiz 3

    8. Lecture 4: Genes

    9. Quiz 4

    10. Lecture 5: The Genetic Paradigm

    11. Quiz 5

    12. Lecture 6: Stylus as Hands-On Model Demonstration

    13. Quiz 6

    1. Lecture 7: The Evolutionary Paradigm

    2. Quiz 7

    3. Lecture 8: Gradualism

    4. Quiz 8

    5. Lecture 9: The Gaping Hole

    6. Quiz 9

    7. Lecture 10: Stepping Stones 1

    8. Quiz 10

    9. Lecture 11: Stepping Stones 2

    10. Quiz 11

    11. Lecture 12: Stepping Stones 3

    12. Quiz 12

    13. Lecture 13: Stepping Stones 4

    14. Quiz 13

    15. Lecture 14: Mathematizing Darwin's Theory

    16. Quiz 14

    17. Lecture 15: Mathematizing Darwin's Theory 2

    18. Quiz 15

    19. Lecture 16: The Challenge of Complex Adaptation 1

    20. Quiz 16

    21. Lecture 17: The Challenge of Complex Adaptation 2

    22. Quiz 17

    23. Lecture 18: The Downside of Rapid Growth

    24. Quiz 18

    25. Lecture 19: Math of Adaptation

    26. Quiz 19

    27. Lecture 20: Testing the Recruitment Model

    28. Quiz 20

    29. Lecture 21: Laboratory Tests of Adaptation

    30. Quiz 21

    31. Lecture 22: Neo-Darwinian Evolution 1

    32. Quiz 22

    33. Lecture 23: Neo-Darwinian Evolution 2

    34. Quiz 23

    35. Lecture 24: The Engineering Challenge

    36. Quiz 24

    37. Lecture 25: No Free Lunch

    38. Quiz 25

    1. Lecture 26: Universal Design Intuition

    2. Quiz 26

    3. Lecture 27: Benefits of a Simple Design Argument

    4. Quiz 27

    5. Lecture 28: Coincidence vs. Surprising Correspondence

    6. Quiz 28

    7. Lecture 29: Fantastic Improbability

    8. Quiz 29

    9. Lecture 30: Distinction

    10. Quiz 30

    11. Lecture 31: Functional Coherence

    12. Quiz 31

    13. Lecture 32: The Common Sense Argument

    14. Quiz 32

    15. Lecture 33: The Anthropic Argument

    16. Quiz 33

    17. Lecture 34: The Multiverse

    18. Quiz 34

    19. Lecture 35: Mind

    20. Quiz 35

    21. Lecture 36: Faith and Science

    22. Quiz 36

    23. Lecture 37: The Inept Design Argument

    24. Quiz 37

    25. Lecture 38: What is Intelligent Design?

    26. Quiz 38

    27. Lecture 39: The New Biology

    28. Quiz 39

    29. Lecture 40: How to Get Involved

    30. Quiz 40

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 81 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content


Douglas Axe

Maxwell Professor of Molecular Biology, Biola University

Douglas Axe is the Maxwell Professor of Molecular Biology at Biola University, the founding Director of Biologic Institute, the founding Editor of BIO-Complexity, and the author of Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed. After completing his PhD at Caltech, he held postdoctoral and research scientist positions at the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Medical Research Council Centre. His research, which examines the functional and structural constraints on the evolution of proteins and protein systems, has been featured in many scientific journals, including the Journal of Molecular Biology, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, BIO-Complexity, and Nature, and in such books as Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt by Stephen Meyer and Life’s Solution by Simon Conway Morris.