Course Description

Join renowned biochemist Michael Behe as he investigates the amazing evidence in biology for intelligent design and the growing evidence that challenges the modern theory of biological evolution known as Neo-Darwinism.  In 41 short and engaging video lectures, Behe tackles topics ranging from the history of biology to the latest biological discoveries. Each video lecture is accompanied by a short quiz, and a special digital certificate of completion is offered for those who finish the course.

Important Information: Upon enrolling in this course, you will have 365 days to complete it. After 365 days, your course access will expire. Also, if you have trouble in creating a new user account, please turn off your ad or pop-up blockers. Sometimes those features interfere with the registration process.


    1. Lesson 3: What Is Intelligent Design? (Pt 1)

    2. Quiz 3

    3. Lesson 4: What Is Intelligent Design? (Pt 2)

    4. Quiz 4

    1. Lesson 5: What Is Evolution? (Pt 1)

    2. Quiz 5

    3. Lesson 6: What Is Evolution? (Pt 2)

    4. Quiz 6

    5. Lesson 7: What Is Evolution? (Pt 3)

    6. Quiz 7

    1. Lesson 8: What Is Neo-Darwinism?

    2. Quiz 8

    3. Lesson 9: The Significance of Neo-Darwinism (Pt 1)

    4. Quiz 9

    5. Lesson 10: The Significance of Neo-Darwinism (Pt 2)

    6. Quiz 10

    1. Lesson 11: The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (Pt 1)

    2. Quiz 11

    3. Lesson 12: The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (Pt 2)

    4. Quiz 12

    5. Lesson 13: The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (Pt 3)

    6. Quiz 13

    7. Lesson 14: Skepticism of Darwin's Theory

    8. Quiz 14

    1. Lesson 15: Basic Biochemistry (Pt 1)

    2. Quiz 15

    3. Lesson 16: Basic Biochemistry (Pt 2)

    4. Quiz 16

    5. Lesson 17: Irreducible Complexity (Pt 1)

    6. Quiz 17

    7. Lesson 18: Irreducible Complexity (Pt 2)

    8. Quiz 18

    9. BONUS: Additional Articles Responding to Critics of Irreducible Complexity

    10. Lesson 19: Implications of Biochemical Discoveries

    11. Quiz 19

About this course

  • $147.00
  • 88 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content


Michael Behe

Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute

Michael Behe is a Professor of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and a Senior Fellow with Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture. He received his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in 1978, and he has authored dozens of technical articles and three major books: Darwin's Black Box, The Edge of Evolution, and Darwin Devolves. Dr. Behe’s books have been reviewed in the New York Times, Nature, Philosophy of Science, Christianity Today, and many other periodicals. Darwin's Black Box was internationally reviewed in over one hundred publications and named by National Review and World magazine as one of the 100 most important books of the 20th century. Dr. Behe has presented and debated his work at major universities throughout North America and England.