Course Overview

George Gilder is one of the greatest thinkers of our age. He has written 20 books on family and society, economics, and technology over a 55-year career. He has traveled the world and written hundreds of articles, appeared on a variety of television programs, and debated a host of public thinkers. The objective of this course is to introduce you to his life and works. In 17 short and engaging videos, we provide summaries of his major books and the profound ideas they advance. Each unit is followed by a short quiz, and a digital certificate of completion is offered for those who finish the course.    


    1. Video 1 | Welcome from George Gilder

    2. Course Syllabus

    3. Video 2 | Jay Richards: Who is George Gilder?

    4. Video 3 | Nini Gilder: My Life with George

    1. Video 4 | Overview of Wealth and Poverty

    2. Video 5 | George Gilder Answers Key Questions about Wealth and Poverty

    3. Video 6 | Why Capitalism Works (PragerU)

    4. Video 7 | Jay Richards: Greed, Self-Interest, Altruism, and Free Enterprise

    5. QUIZ | Unit 2

    1. Video 8 | Overview of Knowledge and Power

    2. Video 9 | George Gilder Answers Key Questions about Knowledge and Power

    3. Video 10 | Gale Pooley: Measuring the Growth of Knowledge with Time

    4. Video 11 | Marian Tupy: Countering Doom with Superabundance

    5. QUIZ | Unit 3

    6. GOING DEEPER (Optional) | Gale Pooley on Knowledge Versus Doom

    7. GOING DEEPER (optional) | Superabundance: The Age of Plenty with Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley (Jordan Peterson Episode 284)

    1. Video 12 | Overview of Life After Google

    2. Video 13 | George Gilder Answers Key Questions about Life After Google

    3. Video 14 | George Gilder: Forget Cloud Computing, Blockchain is the Future (Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson)

    4. Video 15 | Jay Richards Addresses Whether AI will Replace Most Human Workers

    5. QUIZ | Unit 4

    6. GOING DEEPER (optional) | Artificial Intelligence: Will Machines Take Over? (Science Uprising, Episode 10)

    7. GOING DEEPER (optional) | AI panel from COSM 2019 featuring Oren Etzioni, Bob Marks, and George Montañez

    8. GOING DEEPER (optional) | Gaming AI by George Gilder

    1. Video 16 | George Gilder on “Emergency Socialism” & Separating Power from Knowledge (American Thought Leaders, Epoch TV, Jan. 2, 2023)

    2. Article | George Gilder: Life After Capitalism (National Review, Oct. 14, 2021)

    3. QUIZ | Unit 5

    1. Video 17 | Thank You from George Gilder

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 30 lessons


George Gilder

Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute

George Gilder is Chairman of Gilder Publishing LLC, located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He is a Senior Fellow of Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth and Poverty, and also directs the Institute’s Technology and Democracy Project. He is author of many path-breaking books, including Wealth and Poverty, The Spirit of Enterprise, Life After Television, Microcosm, Telecosm, Knowledge and Power, Life after Google, The Israel Test, and Gaming AI. Mr. Gilder is a contributing editor to Forbes and has written for The Economist, The American Spectator, The Wall Street Journal, and many other publications.

Gale Pooley

Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute

Gale Pooley, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Business Management at Brigham Young University-Hawaii. He has taught economics and statistics at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Brigham Young University-Idaho, Boise State University, and the College of Idaho. He has published articles in National Review, Human Progress, The American Spectator, FEE, the Utah Bar Journal, the Appraisal Journal, Quillette, and Real Clear Markets. He is co-author with Marian Tupy of Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet.

Jay Richards

Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute

Jay W. Richards, PhD, is William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute, and Executive Editor of The Stream. Richards is author or editor of more than a dozen books, including the New York Times bestsellers Infiltrated and Indivisible; The Human Advantage; Money, Greed, and God, winner of a 2010 Templeton Enterprise Award; The Hobbit Party with Jonathan Witt; and Eat, Fast, Feast. His most recent book, with Douglas Axe and William Briggs, is The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic Into a Catastrophe.